hello guys i'm henry john griffin and uhm...
i'm on JoeyTV, I can do whatever the fuck I want
Henry John Griffin is a bizzare rabbit hole Tarrec and Bonzai accidentally stumbled upon in the summer of 2021 while trying to pick a minecraft username that would be funny ("JoeyTV"). We searched the term on youtube thinking we'd find some kids youtube channel and instead found Henry. Then we found another channel. Then another. And another. We've found over 100 channels of his that he switches between seemingly at random to upload the latest raps and rants. We hope to one day collab with him for our next album.
Check out our ever-growing list of Henry's channels here: >>>HenryCleanArchive<<<
Here are some of our favorite moments: [The first video we found] [Fuck it up on that Moshi] [TONYA LEAVE ME ALONE] [F*ck God / I hate PayPal] [Dead Rock Premium Website (FREE TV)] [Not Like a Machine Freestyle]
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